Why have I been chosen?


You may have been invited to join the inCompass panel by a postcard, letter or email, or after completing a RAJAR listening diary. How ever you have received the invitation, we are delighted that you are exploring our website and interested to learn more. The inCompass panel needs to accurately represent the makeup of the UK population in terms of age, geography, ethnicity, and other demographic indicators. To do this, we invite people from every background to take part so that our panel will be representative of the whole UK population. The national profile is updated each year using official data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

So, when you join the panel, you and other panellists are effectively representing thousands of people. We’d like you to take part to reflect the listening, viewing, and browsing habits of people just like you, including those who listen to little or no TV/radio/use little internet. You will be required to download our app onto your smartphone and other additional eligible devices.

We invite participants who have agreed to be re-contacted, as well as randomly selecting telephone numbers or addresses, to participate in the panel. A screening process makes sure we keep a balanced reflection of the UK population.

Your data will be used for market research purposes only. We will never sell your data to third party companies. All your information will be anonymised before being reported.

Ipsos is a specialist research agency established in the United Kingdom and part of the Ipsos worldwide group of research companies. We conduct market research in more than 80 countries around the world. If you’d like to learn more about us, please visit our website at ipsos.com.

If you are curious about RAJAR and how it relates to inCompass you can learn more at rajar.co.uk.

If you have completed the sign-up survey with us please click here and select the relevant link to install the Ipsos MediaCell+ app onto your smartphone, and begin taking part in the panel.