Terms & Conditions
Ipsos inCompass Panel,
Terms & Conditions of Membership
Last updated 9th May, 2024
By joining the inCompass panel, using the Ipsos MediaCell+ or MediaLink App or VPN/browser extensions, or using the inCompass website, you accept that you must abide by these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to amend or change these Terms and Conditions, so please ensure you read these Terms and Conditions regularly.
Membership of the Panel:
- Is restricted to individuals aged 16 or over, resident in the United Kingdom;
- Ipsos reserves the right to refuse any membership applications and/or terminate membership without giving a reason;
- Membership is free and is personal to you. You may not transfer your membership to anyone else;
- You will NOT be eligible to join (or if already a member, remain a member of) the inCompass panels if:
- You, or any of your immediate family members, are employees of Ipsos or their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates (unless you are specifically advised otherwise by the inCompass panel team);
- You have already signed up to one of the inCompass panels, i.e. if you have joined the inCompass Diary panel, you will not be eligible to join the inCompass panel and vice versa. This includes signing up twice or more for the same panel. Any duplicate memberships will be excluded from the panel and will not be eligible for any incentives;
- You are already a member of another market research panel (with Ipsos or any other organisation) which involves the installation of a research app or using a VPN on your smartphone, computer or tablet (unless you are specifically advised otherwise by the inCompass panel team);
- You will not be allowed to participate in the panel if you do not complete the onboarding process, if you default in the following ways:
- Completion of duplicate applications
- Attempts to complete the application in a fraudulent manner
- Incomplete, or too hastily addressed, applications, also known as “Speeders”
- To the extent permitted by law, Ipsos shall not be liable for any losses, costs or expenses, (including indirect, consequential or incidental losses, costs or damages) howsoever caused, arising out of your membership of the inCompass panel, your use of the Ipsos MediaCell+ or MediaLink App or VPN/browser extensions, or your use of the inCompass website, or use of any additional Ipsos research apps.
- Some panel members will be invited to download and install one or more of Ipsos’s research apps or VPNs. If you are one of those panellists, please be aware that Ipsos will collect browsing information of anyone who is using the device;
- Participation in the inCompass panel involves installation of the Ipsos MediaCell+ app and/or VPN/browser extensions, or receiving a device with the Ipsos MediaCell+ App pre-installed. You may also be required to install the MediaLink App and/or MediaLink VPN/browser extensions on your own personal computer and/or tablet.
- You are required to complete the follow-up survey about you and your household. This requirement begins on March 3, 2025.
By installing the Apps and/or VPNs/browser extensions (or receiving a device with Ipsos MediaCell+ pre-installed) you are required to agree to:
- Informing any other users of the device(s) about this App/VPN/browser extensions.
- Having obtained the consent of any other users of the device on which this App/VPN/browser extensions is installed to these Terms.
- Ipsos inviting you to complete short questionnaires or fill in diaries presented to you within the App.
- Your data being used for data modelling, but only once it has been anonymised to ensure your privacy.
- These terms of use (“Terms”).
Responsible Membership
- As part of your membership of the inCompass panel, we encourage you to participate honestly and responsibly;
- To help ensure responsible behaviour, you must NOT use this Panel to impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, an Ipsos official, Panel leader, guide or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.
In order to register as a member of the panel, you will be asked to provide your name, personal email address and other personal information – please see our Privacy Policy for more details here. You are responsible for ensuring this information is true and accurate, and for ensuring it is kept up to date. Each year you have been a member of our panel, we will also ask you to update your details via a survey, to ensure the information is up to date. Panel members will be invited to download and install one or more of Ipsos’s research Apps or VPNs onto their smartphone, computer or tablet. If you are one of those panel members and have agreed to install the App(s) and/or VPN(s)/browser extensions requested, those Apps/VPNs/browser extensions will also collect additional information.
The Information collected by the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions includes:
- Your location.
- Information about your device: Your phone number, email address and Android Advertiser ID or Apple IDFA, together with other information about your mobile device, such as when and for how long you charge it, how much battery power is left, whether it is switched on or off, in sleep mode and when the screen is locked or the device is active. The information about the device includes make, model, its IMEI or UID, operating system (e.g. iOS, Android) and device advertiser ID (Android ADID/Apple IDFA).
- How you use it: The date, time and duration of any calls you make or receive on your mobile device; together with the date and time you send any text messages. Please note we do NOT collect or record the content of your calls, messages or the phone numbers used.
- Network information: Information about which mobile network(s) you connect to, the locations of the mobile network sign tower used to connect, together with details of any Wi-Fi connections you use, signal strength and at what times you connect and use them. It also records the amount of data sent or received by your device during each data collection period.
- Time spent using the internet, including: Websites/Apps visited/used. How the Website/App is accessed (e.g. navigated to it, redirected to it or clicked on a hyperlink). Total amount of data sent or received.
- The audio signal of some TV and radio stations that identifies the station and the time that you view or listen to each one.
Full details of the information collected and how it will be used can be found in the Privacy Policy here.
inCompass Panel Apps / VPNs / Browser Extensions
The inCompass panel Apps/VPNs/browser extensions include:
- The Ipsos MediaCell+ App, which selected panel members are invited to install on their own personal smartphone;
- The MediaLink App/browser extensions, which selected panel members are invited to install on their own personal computer and/or tablet;
- The Ipsos MediaCell+/MediaLink VPN, which selected panel members are invited to install on their own personal smartphone and/or tablet;
App/VPN/browser extension provider:
The Apps and/or VPNs/browser extensions have been made available to you by Ipsos UK Ltd for and on behalf of the Ipsos Worldwide Group of research companies. Ipsos UK Ltd.’s registered address is 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, UK and it is registered in England and Wales under number 01860855. Ipsos is a Company Partner member of the UK Market Research Society and complies with the Society’s code of conduct.
The Apps/VPNs/browser extensions are made available to you for free; however, the Apps send small amounts of data over the internet at intervals – for example approximately 25Mb per day for the Ipsos MediaCell+ App (an average MP3 music file is 3Mb). However, this may be more or less, depending on how much you use your device. Depending on how your mobile network provider and/or Internet Service Provider charges you for data use, you may be charged by your provider when the App connects to the internet.
The Apps/VPNs/browser extensions remain the property of Ipsos. You must NOT make copies of the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions, give the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions to someone else, or try to sell them, make them available for other people to use or distribute them in any other way. You must not remove or attempt to alter any copyright, proprietary or legal notices contained within the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions. Nor are you permitted to attempt to decompile, reverse engineer or attempt to modify the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions in any way.
You can only use the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions on your own personal devices. If someone else owns the devices, or pays the bills for the devices, you must have permission from the owner or person who pays the bills BEFORE you install the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions.
The inCompass panel and the panel website, referred to as “the Panel” are owned and controlled by Ipsos UK Limited (Company No: 01640855), commonly known as “Ipsos”. Ipsos is a specialist market research agency and part of the Ipsos world-wide group of market research companies. Ipsos is a member of the Market Research Society and, as such, abides by the Market Research Society’s Code of Conduct and supporting market research regulations and guidelines.
Warranties & Liability:
The Apps/VPNs/browser extensions and all content, functionality and features within it are provided “as is” and without warranties or representations of any kind either expressed or implied. To the greatest extent permitted by law, Ipsos disclaims all warranties of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose and that content, information displayed in or on the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions is accurate, complete up-to-date and/or does not infringe the rights of any third party.
While we use reasonable efforts to ensure that the App/VPN/browser extension is free from viruses and other malicious code, neither we nor any other party involved in producing or delivering the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions assumes any responsibility, or liability for any viruses or other malicious code that may infect your device passively as a result of downloading, installing or using the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions. Except where required by applicable law, Ipsos shall not be liable to any person for any loss or damage they suffer as a result of viruses or other malicious or harmful code that they access from or via the Apps or VPNs/browser extensions.
Save in respect of any liability for personal injury or death caused by our negligence, Ipsos shall not be liable for any damages, loss or injury arising in connection with these Terms and/or your use of, or the inability to use, the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions, or any function of the Apps/VPNs/browser extensions, howsoever caused.
Use of VPNs Abroad:
The Ipsos MediaCell+ VPN for any device (smartphone or tablet) should be disabled when you are outside of the United Kingdom.
The Panel, and the information made available to you through the Panel website and other communications, may be protected by copyright, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. Except as expressly authorised by Ipsos, you are not permitted to rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on the Panel or the Software, in whole or in part.
You agree that you will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the Panel (including your Panel username), any content within the Panel, your use of the Panel or your access to it.
While on the panel you will build up points that can be redeemed for thousands of products from our dedicated website. You will earn 300 points (worth £30) after your first month on the panel, and 100 points (worth £10) for each further month you take part. Points can be exchanged for various vouchers that can be used for shopping, travel, restaurants and experiences, or you can choose to donate your points to a choice of charities. You can also earn rewards for each additional eligible device you install our software on, earning an extra 25 points (worth £2.50) per device, up to a maximum of an extra 50 points (worth £5) per month.
Panel Members who are requested to install an App/VPN to their own smartphone, and install App(s)/VPN(s)/browser extension(s) to their other devices (if applicable), will be eligible for:
300 points (worth £30) after the first month once the App/VPN is on their smartphone (and, if required, the App/VPN/browser extension on their additional eligible devices) has been successfully installed.
100 points (worth £10) of rewards for each month of participation thereafter, subject to compliance with the following rules:
- Carry your smartphone (with the APP/VPN running) with you at all times of the day, including from room to room whilst at home, for the whole of the period you participate in this study.
- Ensure your smartphone is switched on at all times, including whilst charging.
- Charge your smartphone only when needed and avoid daytime charging.
- Ensure your smartphone is connected to the internet at least daily via Wi-Fi or mobile internet.
- Install Ipsos MediaLink and/or VPN/browser extensions to other devices you use to access the internet.
Panel Members will also be eligible for an extra 25 points (worth £2.50) per device, up to a maximum of an extra 50 points (worth £5) per month.
Panel Members who are requested to carry a device sent by Ipsos, and install App(s)/VPN(s)/browser extension(s) to their other devices (if applicable), will be eligible for:
£10 worth of rewards for each month of participation subject to compliance with the following rules:
- Carry your sent device (with the Ipsos MediaCell+ app running) with you at all times of the day, including from room to room whilst at home, for the whole of the period you participate in this study;
- Ensure your sent device is switched on at all times, including whilst charging.
- Charge your sent device only when needed and avoid daytime charging.
- Ensure your sent device is connected to the internet at least daily via Wi-Fi or mobile internet provided by Ipsos’s mobile service provider.
- Not modify the sent device in any way (such as installing any other apps or using it to access Websites).
- Take reasonable care of the device and return it to Ipsos at the point you decide to leave the panel, or when the panel closes.
- Install Ipsos MediaLink and/or VPN/browser extensions to other devices such as computers and tablets you use to access the internet (if applicable).
Links to Other Websites
The Panel website may provide links to other Websites or online resources. Because Ipsos has no control over such sites and resources we cannot any accept any responsibility or liability for those sites or resources. We cannot guarantee the availability of such external sites or resources, nor do we endorse any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites or resources.
You acknowledge and agree that Ipsos shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such Content, goods or services available on or through any such site or resource.
Technology Requirements
In order to access some of the Panel features and/or content you may need to have Flash Player 7 installed on your computer. You may also need to ensure your Internet browser accepts use of Java Script and cookies. Emails sent by Ipsos will be in HTML format, as this allows us to send panellists more elaborate communications. For example, photos or graphics can be inserted or text can be formatted.
If you no longer wish to take part in our research you may remove yourself from the Panel at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button found at the bottom of the emails you receive from us. Alternatively, you can send an email to support@incompass.me.uk to request removal and you will be removed from our Panel list or contact us through the Ipsos MediaCell+ App. You can also write to the address, or contact by SMS or phone, using the contact details in Section 11 (“inCompass Team Contacts“) of this page.
You will need to follow uninstallation instructions found here to remove the App/VPN/browser extensions from your device(s). Failure to uninstall the App/VPN/browser extensions may result in data continuing to be sent to our servers after you leave the panel.
Ipsos will close the Panel when the research programme ends or is cancelled. Ipsos will inform all panel members by email of the Panel being closed, at which point your access to it will cease.
Ipsos reserves the right to refuse any membership applications and/or terminate membership without giving a reason.
You will need to follow uninstallation instructions found here to remove the app/VPN from your device(s).
Governing Law & Jurisdiction
These Terms are governed by the laws of England and Wales and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
inCompass Team Contacts
You can contact the inCompass team by sending an email to support@incompass.me.uk, calling the Freephone helpline 0808 1295701 or sending a SMS to 07507308591.
Alternatively, you can also contact them by writing to:
inCompass Panel,
Kings House,
Kymberley Road,