Thank you for agreeing to take part in the inCompass Panel

This website is specifically for inCompass panellists with software installed on their smartphone or carrying a device provided by Ipsos. If you are a member of the inCompass Diary Panel, please click here.

I am not currently a member but I am
interested in joining the inCompass Panel.

If you haven’t already, you will firstly need to install the software on your main smartphone. The software will then start collecting information about what you enjoy watching, listening to and which websites and apps you like to use.

How does the
App/VPN work?

The Ipsos MediaCell+ app will sit in the background of your device and monitor what you’ve been watching on TV, listening to on the radio, and monitor how you use your smartphone, as well as picking up your location. The VPN will also collect information about which websites or apps you are using, The App will not “see” or send us any information shown or entered on secure pages of websites, such as passwords or payment details.

Please be reassured that everything is confidential and that the data we collect is for research purposes only. You will not be personally identified as an individual in the results of this research. Please note that by downloading and installing this App, you are agreeing to the Ipsos MediaCell+ App Terms and Conditions that can be found here.

We always collect information from you based upon your consent, in particular where you install any of our Apps/VPNs, respond to any survey invitations we might be sending you or that you may otherwise voluntarily provide. Your participation is at your choice. There might also be situations where we are seeking further information from you or even explicit consent where this might be appropriate or required.

Installing the MediaCell+ App on Android

Please click on the following link on your main smartphone to install the app:

Full instructions on the process can also be found here.

What happens next?

Step 1: The App will ask you for an activation code. This will be sent to you in an SMS. Just click the code in the SMS, or copy and paste it, to activate the Ipsos MediaCell+ App. Then just accept all the prompts and the app will register itself with the inCompass Panel, which can take up to 30 minutes to complete.

Step 2: If you told us about other devices you use (e.g. a tablet, laptop, etc.), in the next few days we will send you another email. This will have instructions on how to download another app (the Ipsos MediaLink App). This collects which websites and apps you use on those other devices. As a thank you for carrying your smartphone with the Ipsos MediaCell+ App and keeping the Ipsos MediaLink App installed on your other devices you will receive 100 points reward (worth £10), and an extra 25 points (worth £2.50) per additional eligible device, up to a maximum of 50 points (worth £5), for every month you take part!

Installing the MediaCell+ App on iPhone

Please click on the following link on your main smartphone to install the app:

Full instructions on the process can also be found here.

What happens next?

Step 1: The App will ask you for an activation code. This will be sent you in an SMS shortly after you install the app. Just click the code in the SMS, or copy and paste it, to activate the Ipsos MediaCell+ App. Then just accept all the prompts and the app will register itself with the inCompass Panel. This can take up to 30 minutes to complete.

Step 2: Once the app registration is complete, you will need to set the amount of time you want to allow the mic to operate, this is a crucial part the research so please set it to the maximum time.

Step 3: We also need you to install a VPN profile that allows us to capture the websites you like to visit and the apps you use on your phone. The link for the VPN will be sent you once you have succesfully installed the Ipsos MediaCell+ App. Then just ensure that the Ipsos MediaCell+ App is always running and simply use your smartphone as you normally do and carry it with you at all times.

Step 4: If you told us about other devices you use (e.g. a tablet, laptop, etc.), in the next few days we will send you another email. This will have instructions on how to download another app (the Ipsos MediaLink App). This collects which websites and apps you use on those other devices. As a thank you for carrying your smartphone with the Ipsos MediaCell+ App and VPN and keeping the Ipsos MediaLink App installed on your other devices you will receive 100 points reward (worth £10), and an extra 25 points (worth £2.50) per additional eligible device, up to a maximum of 50 points (worth £5), for every month you take part!

When will I receive
my reward?

After your first month on the panel, assuming you have installed Ipsos MediaCell+ App on your smartphone and Ipsos MediaLink App on your other device(s), you will receive 300 points (worth £30). You will then receive 100 points (worth £10) for every month that you keep the apps installed and running on your devices. You can also earn rewards monthly for each additional eligible device you install our software on, earning an extra 25 points (worth £2.50) per device, up to a maximum of 50 points (worth £5) per month.

If we do not receive any data during a full month from your devices, then the monthly reward may be withheld for that month.

Your reward will be issued within the first 10 working days of the following month, and you will be notified by email once issued.

Please click here for information about our reward catalogue.